
gift wrapping

Oh blogging how I miss thee.  Started a new job, had a quick visit to Las Vegas, and took a vacation to Yosemite all within the last 3 weeks!  I'm looking forward to catching up on housework and crafts this weekend as well as celebrating my 1 year wedding anniversary.

I did however manage to whip together this neat wrapped gift... it all starting with the Pinterest inspiration photo you see below.

tara anderson on flickr
Originally I planned to punch out my own flowers from scrapbook paper but then I realized my mom sent me a book of pre punched flowers by K&Company.
So I popped out the pre punched flowers and ran them through my sewing machine to create a paper flower garland like you see in the inspiration photo.

The finishing touch was a card I had in my collection and a mini clothespin.

p.s. yes, I will accept praise for actually completing a Pin.

1 comment:

  1. SO Pretty!!!! You could use punched out snowflakes for christmas! I'm going to have to try this!
